“I’m an ecologist focused on birds, where they go, and why they go there. Most of my current work takes place in Amazonia.”
Welcome to my website! Here I strive to showcase my career as an ecologist. I first wanted to label it a personal website, but it really is not — most of my work is collaborative, as evidenced by the coauthors on my papers. Hence the “dot org”. However, I still present some personal material here, such as gratuitous photos and videos that nonetheless come with the work I do. Hopefully they signal that I greatly enjoy this stuff — gaining new knowledge about nature (especially birds) while playing outside.
Dissertation research hit international news:
Louisiana State University features Barred Owl research:
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This is a lekking male Golden-collared Manakin. The lek was located in Las Pavas, near Panama's Barro Colorado Island. In the end, his hard work drew the rig...
This is a Yellow-bellied Puffing Snake (Pseustes sulphureus). We first detected this guy because two Guianan Toucanets were making a ton of raucous near the ...
It’s strange to think that a paper about Strix varia (Barred Owl) in Louisiana would begin in Jamaica more than 15 years ago. But that’s where this story starts.